Friday 18 January 2013


Hello, world! Welcome to Half and Half!

We are very excited to start this little project of ours, which will feature our take on anything and everything out there, as well as some crazy amazing original content.

And yes, we are new to blogging. There many be some snags along the way, but hopefully they won't get in the way of the kickass content you will soon be reading. If you have any tips or suggestions, please drop us a line at

Keep your eyes peeled for some new posts that we had a lot of fun preparing for you!


Mocha and Latte

PS- Why "Half and Half"? Well, we like to go for coffee, and the contents of this blog are pretty much exactly what we talk about while drinking said coffee. Also, miss Mocha is half-Indian and the lovely Latte is half-Spanish, so together we become "Half and Half". And thus a cute, catchy, and vaguely marketable blog is born!

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