Tuesday 30 April 2013

Tuesday Tunes: Taylor Swift Edition. Kinda

Remember when we said we would more timely with our posts? Well, this stupid thing called "life" continues to get in our way, in the best possible sense. It seems those momentous life occasions can happen all at once and April was a doozy for us here at Half and Half.

But enough about us! Moving on to...Taylor Swift! We've been hearing her ubiquitous song "22' and...don't hate it. Also, girl looks fiiiiine in that vid. Tay's got a gift for making catchy, adorable, disposable songs, which merit hilarious (and so very true) parodies. She's a pop star, damnit!
We get what she's going for with her song--trying to capture the feeling of possibility, fear, and excitement about being 22. We just think there are artists who convey those feelings better, without having to actually title the song "22".  And with more subtlety. But come on, if she was subtle, she wouldn't be TAYLOR SWIFT!

See our favorite "22" songs under the cut!

5) Feist, "Feel It All"

What Taylor tries to accomplish, Feist gets 'er done. We love this airy, hopeful and endearing song.  ALL THE FEELINGS.

4) Florence and the Machine, "Dog Days Are Over"

We were 22 when this song originally came out. Still makes us feel 22. That VOICE.

3) College & Electric Youth, "A Real Hero"

Again, a song which makes us feel all the feelings. It's just so goddamn beautiful. Plus, it reminds us of "Drive". And Ryan Gosling. And what 22 year old doesn't want Ryan Gosling?!

2) Broken Social Scene, "Anthem for a Seventeen Year Old Girl"

Sure, maybe it's an anthem for a seventeen year old girl. But we still feel like it could be our anthem. Hell, it IS our anthem.

1) Stars, "Ageless Beauty"

Stars, you were our adolescence and undergrad degrees. Another goddamn beautiful song. And from a legendary Canadian band, no less.

Honorable Mentions:

Judy Collins, "Both Sides Now". We love Joni Mitchell's version(s) of this song but somehow the bright, Technicolor-ish nature of Judy's version seems more appropriate for this list.

Stars, "Your Ex-Lover is Dead". No explanation is necessary.

The Smiths, "Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want". Morrissey's plaintive wails and simple guitar=feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings.

The Cure, "Pictures of You". Please drop what you're doing and go rent "Starter for Ten" starring the delightful James McAvoy. Then you'll understand why we chose this song.

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